Thank You
Thank you for reaching out. We have received your message and we will be in touch with you shortly
Goeie dag Juffrou Heidi. Ek wil net sê baie dq vir jou vir die great hoof en nuwe juffrouens van die Minion klassie. Hulle is al drie great en Miatjie love hulle. En sien 'n groot verskil in Mia. Sy groei vir my vinniger as ek dit so kan stel en kry nie meer 'n gehuilery vir anner juffrouens of iets nie. Sien sy is baie happy in haar Minion klassie. En ek sien beslis 'n positiewe verskil in haar rapport ook en daagliks. Hulle is altyd bereid om te luister en as daar 'n probleem is word dirt spoedig geïdentifiseer en opgelos. Baie behlp saam. Moet sê ek is baie beïndruk en baie bly vir 'n hoof wat betrokke bly en altyd maniere soek om te verbeter en ouers betrokke te hou en altyd behulpsaam is. Sjoe ek kan net aan gaan en aangaan maar wil nie te veel van jou tyd op vat nie. Net se dq baie vir ons great special hoof en onderwyser. Almal van hulle. 🤗 Lekker en mooi naweek vir jou verder. Van Rene, Mia Kruis se mamma. 🤗 🙏🏻💐
I must say I am pleased with everything, I couldn't be happier, from when my daughter started, now my son, he's enjoying, the operating hours go hand in hand with my work schedule, my son loves his teachers, his at his best 💐💐🙏🙏❤️❤️
Thank you to the Staff -Lebogang Moiloa (01-04-2023)
Heavenly flower is the best day care . My son is the happiest baby boy . The teachers are so kind and welcoming .The level of education provided in the school is excellent, the school is very clean and practices high standards in health and safety and hygiene,the school is very safe.
I'm very happy with there service and highly recommendd heavenly flower primary school 😁. - Tshepiso Rankwe (31-03-2023)
We are incredibly blessed to have our “miracle blessing” – CHARIKA - attending this awesome institution of high-level education.
As soon as one enters the premises each day, you are greeted by such friendly, engaging, and nurturing educators (family people – really!).
They really do spend valuable time to know each child individually and their families, so that everyone is comfortable, the children and the parents! (They really do make an effort.)
Every day, we hear stories from CHARIKA about the fun, adventures and learning that she has experienced; reinforced / backed up by the photos and stories that the amazing teachers share with us on social media (with our permission).
HEAVENLY FLOWERS / SCHOOL OF AFFIRMATIONS addresses the educational needs of each child, as well as their emotional and social wellbeing. The children participate in programs and activities that encourage them to engage, question and analyze the world around them, enriching their lives and forming a love of learning.
Best attribute of this institution is – WORSHIP / PRAISE of GOD.
A wonderful community spirit and we could not speak more highly of this wonderful pre-school.
We will gladly encourage any parent to consider this educational “haven”.
@ Heidi Searle (you are a GEM!) • HFK / SOA = your commitment to everyone • Please stay with us!
Loving Regards – Tania & Leonard Fourie (Proud parents since 2016)
As soon as one enters the premises each day, you are greeted by such friendly, engaging, and nurturing educators (family people – really!).
They really do spend valuable time to know each child individually and their families, so that everyone is comfortable, the children and the parents! (They really do make an effort.)
Every day, we hear stories from CHARIKA about the fun, adventures and learning that she has experienced; reinforced / backed up by the photos and stories that the amazing teachers share with us on social media (with our permission).
HEAVENLY FLOWERS / SCHOOL OF AFFIRMATIONS addresses the educational needs of each child, as well as their emotional and social wellbeing. The children participate in programs and activities that encourage them to engage, question and analyze the world around them, enriching their lives and forming a love of learning.
Best attribute of this institution is – WORSHIP / PRAISE of GOD.
A wonderful community spirit and we could not speak more highly of this wonderful pre-school.
We will gladly encourage any parent to consider this educational “haven”.
@ Heidi Searle (you are a GEM!) • HFK / SOA = your commitment to everyone • Please stay with us!
Loving Regards – Tania & Leonard Fourie (Proud parents since 2016)
Vandat my dogter by Heavenly Flowers is het sy baie verander. Sy is n heel ander kindjie. Potty training gaan so goed. Gesels, dans , sing meer. Almal is behulpsaam en so vriendlik. Ek is baie bly vir die skuif na HF toe.
My Dogter is nou al 2 jaar by die skool en ons is baie tevrede,elke middig as ons haar optel trippel sy kar toe en het n groot glimlag op haar gesiggie en vertel ons van haar mooi prentjie wat sy gemaak het.Die onderwysers is vreeslik vriendlik en baie behulpsaam..Jy kan met enige probleem skool toe gaan en Heidi en haar span spring dadlik in om te help.Dit gaan nie net oor geld vir hulle nie maar vir die welstand van jou kind.
Ek het vrede in my hart elke oggend as ons haar by die skool aflaai want ons weet dat sy soos goud opgepas word.
Heavenly Flowers is vir Diandré amper soos sy tweede huis.
Hier ervaar hy blydskap en rustigheid , nie net oor al die Vriendelike gesiggies rondom hom nie maar omdat Heavenly flowers vir ons nie net n skool is nie maar n Familie.
Hier word hy versorg deur juffrouens wat liefde en passie het vir kinders , wat verseker na jou kind gaan kyk as een van hulle eie.
Baie dankie vir julle harde werk en gedult as dit kom by ons kleintjies. Dankie dat julle altyd die ekstra myl gaan om dinge so gemaklik as moontlik temaak.
Diandré kan nooit uitgepraat raak oor sy dag se takies en kossies nie , en natuurlik sy gunstelling juffrou Anzelle 😊
Audrey Van Niekerk
Audrey Van Niekerk
Alexa is completely loving school. She has grown so much and is enjoying all her activities and she really is a happy baby. I love how involved the teachers are with us parents and I know my baby is in safe, happy hands.
Heavenly Flowers is seker die beste keuse wat ek nog gemaak het vir albei my dogters. Die Juffrouens se spontaniteit en omgee skitter elke minuut van die dag deur, en albei my kinders is baie lief vir hulle Juffrouens. Baie dankie almal vir die geduld, omgee en liefde wat julle vir elke kind gee.
Bringing my child to heavenly flowers was the best decision i ever took.
Our son being the vibrant child that he is , being with the school made him more confident in himself , he is always saying new things to us which shows that the teachers aren't just there to look after the kids but they are there to Teach,
Love and care for those precious souls.
Our son being the vibrant child that he is , being with the school made him more confident in himself , he is always saying new things to us which shows that the teachers aren't just there to look after the kids but they are there to Teach,
Love and care for those precious souls.
I don't regret of being with heavenly flowers . With teachers that are always a step ahead in helping now that's a blessing 🙏
Heavenly Flowers says it all....
n Omgee skool met Christelike beginsels vir onse klein Hemelse blommetjies.
n Volle kurrikulum van baba tot laerskool, daar is altyd tyd vir lekker speel en n piekniek so tussen deur die hard werk en leer.
Die personeel is wonderlik en het soveel passie vir hul beroep en altyd net n oproep weg om my gerus te stel as ek my seuntjie aflaai in die oggend. As hy olik voel sal hulle my altyd ophoogte hou en dit is wat n mamma se hart baie waardeur ❤️
Die skool is skoon en netjies, met die vriendelikste juffroutjies.
Die personeel is wonderlik en het soveel passie vir hul beroep en altyd net n oproep weg om my gerus te stel as ek my seuntjie aflaai in die oggend. As hy olik voel sal hulle my altyd ophoogte hou en dit is wat n mamma se hart baie waardeur ❤️
Die skool is skoon en netjies, met die vriendelikste juffroutjies.
Ek sal hierdie Hemelse blom van n skool vir enige ouer aanbeveel
Heavenly flowers... 'n skool met vaste christelike waardes wat in elke personeellid gesien kan word.
Die verskil wat ek in my kind sien vandat hy deel is van die Heavenly Flowers gesin is genoeg om enige mamma hart rustig en trots te maak.
My kind blom behoorlik🌻🌻🌻
Baie dankie Heavenly Flowers
Die verskil wat ek in my kind sien vandat hy deel is van die Heavenly Flowers gesin is genoeg om enige mamma hart rustig en trots te maak.
My kind blom behoorlik🌻🌻🌻
Baie dankie Heavenly Flowers
I would like to thank the teachers for laying a good foundation for my son as he has grown so much in the last 2 years.
The Teachers are caring and always informs me of any issues or the doings of my son...Communication is on point.
Great school choice as their beliefs and values is something I strongly believe in.I would like to thank the teachers for laying a good foundation for my son as he has grown so much in the last 2 years.
The Teachers are caring and always informs me of any issues or the doings of my son...Communication is on point. Great school choice as their beliefs and values is something I strongly believe in.
The Teachers are caring and always informs me of any issues or the doings of my son...Communication is on point.
Great school choice as their beliefs and values is something I strongly believe in.I would like to thank the teachers for laying a good foundation for my son as he has grown so much in the last 2 years.
The Teachers are caring and always informs me of any issues or the doings of my son...Communication is on point. Great school choice as their beliefs and values is something I strongly believe in.
RE: A Happy Parent – 22 May 2016
Good day mommies and daddies, I’m not really good with words so I’m just going to go straight to it. I’m super excited about my baby’s progress. Reading the sentence is coming together perfectly so, and yes he is a Heavenly Flowers product he is doing grade 1, and it’s before June how wonderful is that, I can confidently say by the end if September he will be reading my letters? I remember in the beginning of January when his teacher said by June she wants her kids to be reading, I thought she was pushing it a bit far but hey, these teachers they dream, they have a vision and they are passionate. Let’s support them by prayers at all times. Let the hand of the Lord be upon them as they take care of our little ones. Thank you.
Happy mother
Good day mommies and daddies, I’m not really good with words so I’m just going to go straight to it. I’m super excited about my baby’s progress. Reading the sentence is coming together perfectly so, and yes he is a Heavenly Flowers product he is doing grade 1, and it’s before June how wonderful is that, I can confidently say by the end if September he will be reading my letters? I remember in the beginning of January when his teacher said by June she wants her kids to be reading, I thought she was pushing it a bit far but hey, these teachers they dream, they have a vision and they are passionate. Let’s support them by prayers at all times. Let the hand of the Lord be upon them as they take care of our little ones. Thank you.
Happy mother
RE: 2-3 Class at Delville – 12 April 2016
Evening teachers Madison is very happy in her class and she is growing so fast and learning a lot. She learns English so quickly and we are now forced to speak English at home. I’m so glad about that because my two younger children struggle with English at school. Teacher Angelique is excellent teacher. I would like to thank teacher Angelique for the great work she is doing and all the love and attention she’s giving the entire class. I can’t wait to fetch Madison on a Friday to see what surprise they made me. Thank you very much to the staff and manager at delville branch. Greetings.
Evening teachers Madison is very happy in her class and she is growing so fast and learning a lot. She learns English so quickly and we are now forced to speak English at home. I’m so glad about that because my two younger children struggle with English at school. Teacher Angelique is excellent teacher. I would like to thank teacher Angelique for the great work she is doing and all the love and attention she’s giving the entire class. I can’t wait to fetch Madison on a Friday to see what surprise they made me. Thank you very much to the staff and manager at delville branch. Greetings.
RE: Klas veranderinge – 14 April 2016
Goeie more As Amore se Ouma is ek BAIE tevrede met die opvoeding en pret wat Amore by die skool kry. Juf Taricke is altyd vriendelik en gee elke dag n “update” oor Amore se gedrag en vordering. Julle kan haar definitief komplimenteer op die manier wat sy na een van my kosbaarste besittings kyk deur die dag. Julle is regtig geseen om so n kosbare onderwyser te he Groete.
Goeie more As Amore se Ouma is ek BAIE tevrede met die opvoeding en pret wat Amore by die skool kry. Juf Taricke is altyd vriendelik en gee elke dag n “update” oor Amore se gedrag en vordering. Julle kan haar definitief komplimenteer op die manier wat sy na een van my kosbaarste besittings kyk deur die dag. Julle is regtig geseen om so n kosbare onderwyser te he Groete.
RE: Klas veranderinge – 13 April 2016
Hi, Ek kan net die lof sing van die twee wonderlike juffrouens. Marx het so spoedig aangepas omdat hy onvoorwaardelik liefde kry by die twee pragtige mense en ek wil graag dankie sê vir dit wat hulle vir ons beteken! Sy gedrag het verander, maar dit was net vir die beter – waar hy te skaam was om asseblief en dankie te sê, is dit al na dag 2 net assblief en dankie van voor tot agter! Ek wil weereens net sê hoe dankbaar ek is vir ‘n skool waar ek met ‘n geruste hart my kind kan los, waar hy die aandag en nodige onderig kry wat ek nie vir hom kan gee nie. Groete en beste wense.
Hi, Ek kan net die lof sing van die twee wonderlike juffrouens. Marx het so spoedig aangepas omdat hy onvoorwaardelik liefde kry by die twee pragtige mense en ek wil graag dankie sê vir dit wat hulle vir ons beteken! Sy gedrag het verander, maar dit was net vir die beter – waar hy te skaam was om asseblief en dankie te sê, is dit al na dag 2 net assblief en dankie van voor tot agter! Ek wil weereens net sê hoe dankbaar ek is vir ‘n skool waar ek met ‘n geruste hart my kind kan los, waar hy die aandag en nodige onderig kry wat ek nie vir hom kan gee nie. Groete en beste wense.
RE: Klas veranderinge – 13 April 2016
Hi Natasha, Ek persoonlik as ouer dink julle is absoliet amazing! Geen klagtes nie. Van dat ek Ethan by julle ingeskryf het, het ons groot verandering in sy persoonlikeheid en geleerdheid gesien wat ons as Mamma en Pappa baie trots maak. Als tedanke aan Juff Jacqui en die wat haar help. Baie groot dankie aan Heavenly Flowers & Juff Jacqui vir die uitstekende werk wat gedoen word met ons kinders. Dit word gesien en waardeur. Groete.
Hi Natasha, Ek persoonlik as ouer dink julle is absoliet amazing! Geen klagtes nie. Van dat ek Ethan by julle ingeskryf het, het ons groot verandering in sy persoonlikeheid en geleerdheid gesien wat ons as Mamma en Pappa baie trots maak. Als tedanke aan Juff Jacqui en die wat haar help. Baie groot dankie aan Heavenly Flowers & Juff Jacqui vir die uitstekende werk wat gedoen word met ons kinders. Dit word gesien en waardeur. Groete.
RE: Klas veranderinge – 13 April 2016
Goeie dag juffrou Heidi, Lilly Mia is nou eers die jaar by Heavenly flowers aangesluit deur dat ek ingelukkig was by die ander skool oor hoe hulle situasies hanteer.
Om met die juffrouens te begin, juffrou jabu en juffrou petra moet ek se doen n uitsteekende werkie met mia, dit is vir my baie skokend hoe baie my kind se stimulasie verbeter het en hoe sy praat die liedjies wat sy sing en n volle geaprek wat sy kan voer.
Sy slaap beter in die aand en pee pee ook nie in die bed nie sy staan elke oggend om met die blydskap van skool toe gaan waarvoor ek baie groot dankie moet se..
ek het geen klagtes oor haar juffrouens of klas nie ek is baie beindruk oor die skool en personeel..kon nie n beter skuif gemaak het nie..
Ek kan nog vele meer goeie dinge se maar wil ook nie he juffrou moet n boek lees ervaring is uitstekend en baie dankie aan die juffrouens vir hulle aandag en werk aan mia..haar spraak taal en engela kom baie goed aan..buitendien moet ek se mia is nie meer bang of agresief by die huis teenoor ander familie is rustig..
Baie dankie vir die wonderlike Godsdienstige skool wat my kind alby die Here en wereld leer ken.. (een van die dae is daar nog n kleintjie in die baba klass..) Groete.
Goeie dag juffrou Heidi, Lilly Mia is nou eers die jaar by Heavenly flowers aangesluit deur dat ek ingelukkig was by die ander skool oor hoe hulle situasies hanteer.
Om met die juffrouens te begin, juffrou jabu en juffrou petra moet ek se doen n uitsteekende werkie met mia, dit is vir my baie skokend hoe baie my kind se stimulasie verbeter het en hoe sy praat die liedjies wat sy sing en n volle geaprek wat sy kan voer.
Sy slaap beter in die aand en pee pee ook nie in die bed nie sy staan elke oggend om met die blydskap van skool toe gaan waarvoor ek baie groot dankie moet se..
ek het geen klagtes oor haar juffrouens of klas nie ek is baie beindruk oor die skool en personeel..kon nie n beter skuif gemaak het nie..
Ek kan nog vele meer goeie dinge se maar wil ook nie he juffrou moet n boek lees ervaring is uitstekend en baie dankie aan die juffrouens vir hulle aandag en werk aan mia..haar spraak taal en engela kom baie goed aan..buitendien moet ek se mia is nie meer bang of agresief by die huis teenoor ander familie is rustig..
Baie dankie vir die wonderlike Godsdienstige skool wat my kind alby die Here en wereld leer ken.. (een van die dae is daar nog n kleintjie in die baba klass..) Groete.
RE: Klas veranderinge – 14 April 2016
Goeie dag juffrou. Baie dankie vir die geleentheid dat ons onsself kan laat hoor. Ek wil van myself en Miché sê, baie dankie vir die uitstekende diens, liefde en onderug wat aan Miché gesorg word. Sy is een van die gelukkigste kinders om skool toe te wil gaan elke oggend en is vreeslik baie lief vir Juff Jabu en Juff Petra.
Hulle speel ‘n geweldige groot rol in haar lewe en dit is vir my die ongelooflikste voorreg om te kan sê dat ons deel is van Heavenly Flowers. Baie dankie vir al die aandag wat aan Miché bestee word, ek kan sien dat haar juffrouens se insette ‘n groot verskil in haar lewe maak. Met baie dank.
Goeie dag juffrou. Baie dankie vir die geleentheid dat ons onsself kan laat hoor. Ek wil van myself en Miché sê, baie dankie vir die uitstekende diens, liefde en onderug wat aan Miché gesorg word. Sy is een van die gelukkigste kinders om skool toe te wil gaan elke oggend en is vreeslik baie lief vir Juff Jabu en Juff Petra.
Hulle speel ‘n geweldige groot rol in haar lewe en dit is vir my die ongelooflikste voorreg om te kan sê dat ons deel is van Heavenly Flowers. Baie dankie vir al die aandag wat aan Miché bestee word, ek kan sien dat haar juffrouens se insette ‘n groot verskil in haar lewe maak. Met baie dank.
RE: Concert and Graduation 2015 – 3 December 2015
Good morning Heidi
the concert was beautiful and each and every one of the children really worked their hearts out for us. i will definitely being buying a copy of the DVD as memories last a life time!
I also want to take this time to say a HUGE thank you to you and your wonderful teachers, Jacky and Agramelda, in the last 10 months that Cheyenne has been a part of the Heavenly Flowers family she has grown so much, mentally, physically and as an individual. she is independent and has learnt so much! every day she comes home with something new to show us or sing to us.
I do believe that none of this would be possible without Jacky and Agrameldas love and support for the children. i don’t want to sound like im harping or take up you time but myself and my husband couldn’t be happier with Heavenly Flowers, the teachers and the staff!
May you be Blessed always
Love Candace and Marc
Good morning Heidi
the concert was beautiful and each and every one of the children really worked their hearts out for us. i will definitely being buying a copy of the DVD as memories last a life time!
I also want to take this time to say a HUGE thank you to you and your wonderful teachers, Jacky and Agramelda, in the last 10 months that Cheyenne has been a part of the Heavenly Flowers family she has grown so much, mentally, physically and as an individual. she is independent and has learnt so much! every day she comes home with something new to show us or sing to us.
I do believe that none of this would be possible without Jacky and Agrameldas love and support for the children. i don’t want to sound like im harping or take up you time but myself and my husband couldn’t be happier with Heavenly Flowers, the teachers and the staff!
May you be Blessed always
Love Candace and Marc
RE: Heavenly Flowers Afrikaans Academy – 3 November 2015
Hi Heidi
I would really love to take an opportunity to compliment Juffrou Nicola and Principal Nicky of your afrikaans academy.
My son is 11 so we have been through the ropes. My daughter is only 3. We have visited so many schools in search of a happy, nurturing place for her and when visiting that school it was immediately evident how passionate they are about the children and education.
The children matter most there, and unlike alot of other schools it is not about money and just a job to them.
Although Kaylee was English we had to put her in there, she had also been through the a traumatic experience, and they have been amazing. She is thriving.
She is sooooo in love with school and Juffrou Nicola and Nicky. When she gets home all she wants to play is school. When she pretends to be a teacher and acts out how she sees a teacher behave, it’s so obvious how she sees Juffrou Nicola teach them, what an amazing teacher she is and how much she is admired. What an inspiration!
I am so incredibly thankful to have found the school and more importantly grateful to leave my child in such loving and caring hands every day!
I cannot describe the difference they are making to our family.
Hi Heidi
I would really love to take an opportunity to compliment Juffrou Nicola and Principal Nicky of your afrikaans academy.
My son is 11 so we have been through the ropes. My daughter is only 3. We have visited so many schools in search of a happy, nurturing place for her and when visiting that school it was immediately evident how passionate they are about the children and education.
The children matter most there, and unlike alot of other schools it is not about money and just a job to them.
Although Kaylee was English we had to put her in there, she had also been through the a traumatic experience, and they have been amazing. She is thriving.
She is sooooo in love with school and Juffrou Nicola and Nicky. When she gets home all she wants to play is school. When she pretends to be a teacher and acts out how she sees a teacher behave, it’s so obvious how she sees Juffrou Nicola teach them, what an amazing teacher she is and how much she is admired. What an inspiration!
I am so incredibly thankful to have found the school and more importantly grateful to leave my child in such loving and caring hands every day!
I cannot describe the difference they are making to our family.
RE: World Teacher Appreciation Day/ 5 Oktober Wêreld Onderwyser Waardering – 2 October 2015
Hello. The joy that my child feels running into class every morning. The way he wants to go to school even when there is no school. Upset that his teacher is off for the day and how much he cares about her.
Teacher Monique, Teacher Angelique and Teacher Nikki are just a few that he loves and cares for. I, as a mom love that my child is so happy and relax at school and is loved and cared for by loving teachers.
Thank you to all the wonderful teachers that take care of our little people and with there guidance that they give in moulding their futures.
Kind Regards, from appreciated Mom Jo-Anne
Hello. The joy that my child feels running into class every morning. The way he wants to go to school even when there is no school. Upset that his teacher is off for the day and how much he cares about her.
Teacher Monique, Teacher Angelique and Teacher Nikki are just a few that he loves and cares for. I, as a mom love that my child is so happy and relax at school and is loved and cared for by loving teachers.
Thank you to all the wonderful teachers that take care of our little people and with there guidance that they give in moulding their futures.
Kind Regards, from appreciated Mom Jo-Anne
RE: Exciting News from Heavenly Flowers!!!!! – 4 August 2015
Dearest Heidi
I am so pleased to hear this wonderful news! Many Congratulations on your new venture, we hope that you continue to grow from strength to strength.
When we started looking for a nursery school for our daughter , we were stumped, there are so many schools out there that promise this and that. as first time parents we were nervous as you often hear stories about how children get abused or mistreated, we did our homework and went to see 3 nursery schools in and around our area.
i have to say i was taken aback at how some of them run and what these teachers were telling us.
We then found Heavenly Flowers and from the word go we were happy, we were reassured, shown around, we got to meet the teachers so on.
My daughter has been a student at Heavenly Flowers in Lambton for 5 months now and all i can say is WOW! She loves going to school, loves her teachers, loves her friends… But the main thing is she has learnt so much and every week she learns something new. We are very pleased to have her with you and your fabulous teachers.
I pray that you keep up this awesome strength of the Lord and i pray that you flourish.
I would also like to point out that the teachers of the Potty Class (Jacky and Jabu) are really awesome and i think they make the class what it is!
They are dedicated and they show love and affection of each and every child.
Thank you for keeping us constantly updated as to what is happening with in the school.
Dearest Heidi
I am so pleased to hear this wonderful news! Many Congratulations on your new venture, we hope that you continue to grow from strength to strength.
When we started looking for a nursery school for our daughter , we were stumped, there are so many schools out there that promise this and that. as first time parents we were nervous as you often hear stories about how children get abused or mistreated, we did our homework and went to see 3 nursery schools in and around our area.
i have to say i was taken aback at how some of them run and what these teachers were telling us.
We then found Heavenly Flowers and from the word go we were happy, we were reassured, shown around, we got to meet the teachers so on.
My daughter has been a student at Heavenly Flowers in Lambton for 5 months now and all i can say is WOW! She loves going to school, loves her teachers, loves her friends… But the main thing is she has learnt so much and every week she learns something new. We are very pleased to have her with you and your fabulous teachers.
I pray that you keep up this awesome strength of the Lord and i pray that you flourish.
I would also like to point out that the teachers of the Potty Class (Jacky and Jabu) are really awesome and i think they make the class what it is!
They are dedicated and they show love and affection of each and every child.
Thank you for keeping us constantly updated as to what is happening with in the school.
RE: – 17 January 2015
Hi Heidi,
Baie dankie vir alles, ek kan met alle eerlikheid se dat jy en Heavenly Flowers deur die jare baie mooi na my kinders EN my gekyk het.
Dankie dat jy altyd daar was vir ‘n skouer om op te leun . Julle het altyd die “ekstra mile” gegaan vir ons as ouers en die kinders. Alle voorspoed met jou nuwe skool en hoop ons sal in kontak bly.
Liefde, Carike
Hi Heidi,
Baie dankie vir alles, ek kan met alle eerlikheid se dat jy en Heavenly Flowers deur die jare baie mooi na my kinders EN my gekyk het.
Dankie dat jy altyd daar was vir ‘n skouer om op te leun . Julle het altyd die “ekstra mile” gegaan vir ons as ouers en die kinders. Alle voorspoed met jou nuwe skool en hoop ons sal in kontak bly.
Liefde, Carike
RE: Concert and the graduation – 17 November 2014
The above matter refers.thank you heavenly flowers management and staff for a well organised concert and emotional graduation.that was a display of highest levels of artistic ingenuity.keep the good work up Iam happy guys because every year you spring out a surprise….our kids emerging from our backs….with candles in that darkness…waal !!!!!.
May God richly bless the brains behind all this.
Once again thank you for an entertaining ceremony.can’t wait for the next graduation
The above matter refers.thank you heavenly flowers management and staff for a well organised concert and emotional graduation.that was a display of highest levels of artistic ingenuity.keep the good work up Iam happy guys because every year you spring out a surprise….our kids emerging from our backs….with candles in that darkness…waal !!!!!.
May God richly bless the brains behind all this.
Once again thank you for an entertaining ceremony.can’t wait for the next graduation
Happy parent
RE: Newsletter for September- 8 September 2014
Hi Heidi,
Thank you so much for the newsletter. Despite all my tears and fears about leaving Mia and going back to work, I must say that since the first day I had to leave her I feel content that she is in good hands and her teachers Marisca and Martha are lovely.
She smiles when I leave her in the morning and she’s smiling when I pick her up in the afternoon. So thank you very much
Thank you
RE: Newsletter for September- 8 September 2014
Hi Heidi,
Thank you so much for the newsletter. Despite all my tears and fears about leaving Mia and going back to work, I must say that since the first day I had to leave her I feel content that she is in good hands and her teachers Marisca and Martha are lovely.
She smiles when I leave her in the morning and she’s smiling when I pick her up in the afternoon. So thank you very much
Thank you
RE: Iets goed om net moet deel – 22 May 2014
Goeie dag Heidi,
Hoop alles gaan goed daar met julle. Ons wou al n rukkie terug jou in kennis stel van Juffrou Jacky, ons seun Ryan is in haar klas. Ons was so gelukkig met Ryan in Ouma Daleen se klas laas jaar.
Ryan was so gelukkig en dit was baie duidelik dat juffrou Daleen die beste basiese fondasie begin bou het met Ryan.
Tog mis ons haar positiewe belangstelling tot van dag toe nog. Sy was die begin van iets goeds in Ryan se lewe.
Die jaar is hy in Juffrou Jaquleen se klas en moet met jou deel dat ek net so gelukkig is. Ryan is besig om n baie goeie karakter te bou en dis net te danke aan die 2 juffrouens.
Ons voel dis net regverdig om regtig die beste terugvoering aan jou te gee oor Juffrou Jaquleen. Sy is n uitmuntende voorskool juffrou en gee my baie gemoedsrus om Ryan in haar dag sorg oor te laat.
Sy kom voor as altyd behulpsaam, gerusstellend , passie vol oor kinders se opbrings en heeltemal ten volle verantwoordlik in haar posisie. Juffrou Jaquleen word hoogliks gewaardeer en ons is oortuig dat ek namens baie ouers die positiewe terug voering aan jou kan oordra.
Sy kom voor as n liefdevolle juffrou wat altyd baie belangstelling toon.
Baie dankie vir Heavenly Flowers en veral juffrou Jacquleen se positiewe belangstelling en bydra.
Groete, Ernst en Yolandi
Goeie dag Heidi,
Hoop alles gaan goed daar met julle. Ons wou al n rukkie terug jou in kennis stel van Juffrou Jacky, ons seun Ryan is in haar klas. Ons was so gelukkig met Ryan in Ouma Daleen se klas laas jaar.
Ryan was so gelukkig en dit was baie duidelik dat juffrou Daleen die beste basiese fondasie begin bou het met Ryan.
Tog mis ons haar positiewe belangstelling tot van dag toe nog. Sy was die begin van iets goeds in Ryan se lewe.
Die jaar is hy in Juffrou Jaquleen se klas en moet met jou deel dat ek net so gelukkig is. Ryan is besig om n baie goeie karakter te bou en dis net te danke aan die 2 juffrouens.
Ons voel dis net regverdig om regtig die beste terugvoering aan jou te gee oor Juffrou Jaquleen. Sy is n uitmuntende voorskool juffrou en gee my baie gemoedsrus om Ryan in haar dag sorg oor te laat.
Sy kom voor as altyd behulpsaam, gerusstellend , passie vol oor kinders se opbrings en heeltemal ten volle verantwoordlik in haar posisie. Juffrou Jaquleen word hoogliks gewaardeer en ons is oortuig dat ek namens baie ouers die positiewe terug voering aan jou kan oordra.
Sy kom voor as n liefdevolle juffrou wat altyd baie belangstelling toon.
Baie dankie vir Heavenly Flowers en veral juffrou Jacquleen se positiewe belangstelling en bydra.
Groete, Ernst en Yolandi
Hi Heidi
Ek hou baie van die nuwe website, dit is stunning. Wil sommer ook dankie sê dat julle help om my kindjie so mooi opvoeding te gee met Jesus as die fondasie.
Dankie aan Juffrou Angelique wat so awesome werk doen met die 4 – 5 kindertjies. Ons wardeer julle en die groot werk wat jul doen.
Liefde Groete, Andrea
Ek hou baie van die nuwe website, dit is stunning. Wil sommer ook dankie sê dat julle help om my kindjie so mooi opvoeding te gee met Jesus as die fondasie.
Dankie aan Juffrou Angelique wat so awesome werk doen met die 4 – 5 kindertjies. Ons wardeer julle en die groot werk wat jul doen.
Liefde Groete, Andrea
Hi Heidi,
Thank you so much for the newsletter. Despite all my tears and fears about leaving Mia and going back to work, I must say that since the first day I had to leave her I feel content that she is in good hands and her teachers Marisca and Martha are lovely.
She smiles when I leave her in the morning and she’s smiling when I pick her up in the afternoon. So thank you very much I will most certainly let you know if there is anything.
Thank you Natasha
Thank you so much for the newsletter. Despite all my tears and fears about leaving Mia and going back to work, I must say that since the first day I had to leave her I feel content that she is in good hands and her teachers Marisca and Martha are lovely.
She smiles when I leave her in the morning and she’s smiling when I pick her up in the afternoon. So thank you very much I will most certainly let you know if there is anything.
Thank you Natasha
Hi Heidi
Baie dankie vir die mooi boodskappie. Ons is baie bevoorreg om ‘n skooltjie te kon kry wat vir ons soveel meer bied as bloot net om ons kindertjies besig te hou deur die dag wanneer ons nie kan nie. Om elke dag die glimlagte op die personeel se gesigte en die liefde wat uitstraal vir al die kindertjies te kan beleef is die wonderlikste ervaring en laat my gerus om my engelkind in jul hande te laat.
As ek altyd so moet luister na ander mamma’s en die probleme wat hulle ondervind by hul kinders se skooltjies, dan wens ek net ek kan hulle almal na Heavenly Flowers toe nooi, maar ongelukkig woon hul net te ver!
Ons wou nog altyd ons kind in n Montessori sit omdat hulle ook soveel bied om ons kinders te leer, maar ek sal Heavenly Flowers nooit verruil vir n Montessori nie, omdat my kind nie net n geleerdheid kry om hom voor te berei vir skool nie, maar hy word geleer om morele waardes te he.
Dis fantasties om te sien hoe Heavenly Flowers groei en dat daar doele gestel word, julle verdien elke oomblik van seëninge wat God oor Heavenly Flowers se pad strooi en ek bid alles van die beste toe vir julle.
Julle doen n puik werk!
Hou so aan J
Baie dankie vir die mooi boodskappie. Ons is baie bevoorreg om ‘n skooltjie te kon kry wat vir ons soveel meer bied as bloot net om ons kindertjies besig te hou deur die dag wanneer ons nie kan nie. Om elke dag die glimlagte op die personeel se gesigte en die liefde wat uitstraal vir al die kindertjies te kan beleef is die wonderlikste ervaring en laat my gerus om my engelkind in jul hande te laat.
As ek altyd so moet luister na ander mamma’s en die probleme wat hulle ondervind by hul kinders se skooltjies, dan wens ek net ek kan hulle almal na Heavenly Flowers toe nooi, maar ongelukkig woon hul net te ver!
Ons wou nog altyd ons kind in n Montessori sit omdat hulle ook soveel bied om ons kinders te leer, maar ek sal Heavenly Flowers nooit verruil vir n Montessori nie, omdat my kind nie net n geleerdheid kry om hom voor te berei vir skool nie, maar hy word geleer om morele waardes te he.
Dis fantasties om te sien hoe Heavenly Flowers groei en dat daar doele gestel word, julle verdien elke oomblik van seëninge wat God oor Heavenly Flowers se pad strooi en ek bid alles van die beste toe vir julle.
Julle doen n puik werk!
Hou so aan J
Hi Heidi
From me and my family we would like to thank you for a beautiful concert, it was filled with love and laughter.
It was very well organised, you and your staff are like a well oiled machine. The children are being handled with love, they being encouraged and supported.
We as a family have absolutely no suggestions as to us all the effort and guidance was amazing. The concert was such a joy to watch and a privilege to be a part of. Thank you so much for showing us how our little ones have grown during this year. How well they developed and that working with our little ones really is a calling for all of you.
Our little girl is looking forward to being a part of Heavenly Flowers next year and as her parents we are tremendously excited to see what 2014 will hold for all of us
Kind Regards
From me and my family we would like to thank you for a beautiful concert, it was filled with love and laughter.
It was very well organised, you and your staff are like a well oiled machine. The children are being handled with love, they being encouraged and supported.
We as a family have absolutely no suggestions as to us all the effort and guidance was amazing. The concert was such a joy to watch and a privilege to be a part of. Thank you so much for showing us how our little ones have grown during this year. How well they developed and that working with our little ones really is a calling for all of you.
Our little girl is looking forward to being a part of Heavenly Flowers next year and as her parents we are tremendously excited to see what 2014 will hold for all of us
Kind Regards
Goeie dag Heidi,
Hoop alles gaan goed daar met julle. Ons wou al n rukkie terug jou in kennis stel van ons seun se Juffrou.
Ons was so gelukkig met hom in die jonger klas laas jaar. Hy was so gelukkig en dit was baie duidelik dat sy juffrou die beste basiese fondasie begin bou het met hom.
Tog mis ons haar positiewe belangstelling tot van dag toe nog. Sy was die begin van iets goeds in sy se lewe. Die jaar is hy in die ouer klas en moet met jou deel dat ek net so gelukkig is.
Hy is besig om n baie goeie karakter te bou en dis net te danke aan die 2 juffrouens. Ons voel dis net regverdig om regtig die beste terugvoering aan jou te gee oor sy Juffrou
Sy is n uitmuntende voorskool juffrou en gee my baie gemoedsrus om hom in haar dag sorg oor te laat. Sy kom voor as altyd behulpsaam, gerusstellend , passie vol oor kinders se opbrings en heeltemal ten volle verantwoordlik in haar posisie.
Sy word hoogliks gewaardeer en ons is oortuig dat ek namens baie ouers die positiewe terug voering aan jou kan oordra. Sy kom voor as n liefdevolle juffrou wat altyd baie belangstelling toon.
Baie dankie vir Heavenly Flowers en veral die juffrouens se positiewe belangstelling en bydra.
Hoop alles gaan goed daar met julle. Ons wou al n rukkie terug jou in kennis stel van ons seun se Juffrou.
Ons was so gelukkig met hom in die jonger klas laas jaar. Hy was so gelukkig en dit was baie duidelik dat sy juffrou die beste basiese fondasie begin bou het met hom.
Tog mis ons haar positiewe belangstelling tot van dag toe nog. Sy was die begin van iets goeds in sy se lewe. Die jaar is hy in die ouer klas en moet met jou deel dat ek net so gelukkig is.
Hy is besig om n baie goeie karakter te bou en dis net te danke aan die 2 juffrouens. Ons voel dis net regverdig om regtig die beste terugvoering aan jou te gee oor sy Juffrou
Sy is n uitmuntende voorskool juffrou en gee my baie gemoedsrus om hom in haar dag sorg oor te laat. Sy kom voor as altyd behulpsaam, gerusstellend , passie vol oor kinders se opbrings en heeltemal ten volle verantwoordlik in haar posisie.
Sy word hoogliks gewaardeer en ons is oortuig dat ek namens baie ouers die positiewe terug voering aan jou kan oordra. Sy kom voor as n liefdevolle juffrou wat altyd baie belangstelling toon.
Baie dankie vir Heavenly Flowers en veral die juffrouens se positiewe belangstelling en bydra.
Goeie môre Heidi.
Ek hoop hierdie koue oggend vind jou darem met ‘n koppie lekker warm, stomende koffie in die hand.
Dit is vir my ‘n vreeslike hartseer ding om the doen, maar ek moet ongelukkig hiermee kennis gee vir my dogtertjie.
Ek wil asb nie hê julle moet dink dat daar enige iets fout is met julle nie…!
Ons was nog net gelukkig by HF, en julle sal definitief weer die mensies wees met wie ons ons kosbaarste besitting sal vertrou, sodra die tyd reg is.
Baie dankie vir julle wonderlike diens, altyd vriendelike glimlaggies, en professionele optrede.
Ons waardeer dit opreg en mense sal altyd net mooi van HF hoor, want dit is al wat ons geken het in die laaste 6 maande.
Vriendelike groete.
Ek hoop hierdie koue oggend vind jou darem met ‘n koppie lekker warm, stomende koffie in die hand.
Dit is vir my ‘n vreeslike hartseer ding om the doen, maar ek moet ongelukkig hiermee kennis gee vir my dogtertjie.
Ek wil asb nie hê julle moet dink dat daar enige iets fout is met julle nie…!
Ons was nog net gelukkig by HF, en julle sal definitief weer die mensies wees met wie ons ons kosbaarste besitting sal vertrou, sodra die tyd reg is.
Baie dankie vir julle wonderlike diens, altyd vriendelike glimlaggies, en professionele optrede.
Ons waardeer dit opreg en mense sal altyd net mooi van HF hoor, want dit is al wat ons geken het in die laaste 6 maande.
Vriendelike groete.